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Pile of spotty floof.
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Post: #1
Found this dude, his name is almost English but his theriotype isn't.
And his intro is just random pictures of black widow and kittens.

Volunteer moderator.
WinkIf you have any issues, questions, or would just like to chat feel free to send me a private message.

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2021-07-05 6:16
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Ad Astra per Aspera
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Post: #2
RE: Spambot
Thank you Bubbles, I saw it right away when I logged in this morning. Been taken care of after I saw their intro full of spam!


Astral Dragon ✦ Cybertronian ✦ Host of the AllSpark
Bisexual/Polyamorous ✦ He/Him ✦ Mated to Tivaran
2021-07-05 15:32
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anam fallain
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Post: #3
RE: Spambot
Thanks for catching that.

Unfortunately, OKP has had an issue with random spambots for years. And since we were largely inactive for several years, the problem doesn't seem to have gone away.

Mods, if you come across a spambot "user" feel free to delete/ban them. Wink

[Image: YJKCUsm.png]
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"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, The Dresden Files
2021-07-07 23:04
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Pile of spotty floof.
Kintype: Dragon, cheetah, others.
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Gender: Female she/they
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Posts: 68
Points: 686.00
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Post: #4
RE: Spambot
Been working on getting rid of these guys.

I certainly don't want anyone to get a virus, not to mention they're just plain annoying.

Been working on referring some members as well so hopefully our newest member will actually be a real user soon.

Volunteer moderator.
WinkIf you have any issues, questions, or would just like to chat feel free to send me a private message.

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2021-07-08 20:22
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