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So, I'm making the website!
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Post: #1
So, I'm making the website!
For anyone who doesn't know. Kahoku's generously allowed me to volunteer a bit here and there and the first bit I'm doing is setting up a website for us! It will be at http://main.otherkinphenomena.org (nothing's up yet).

Now, here's the problem...in fact, lemme just show you the problem:

PM to Kahoku Wrote:I did some work on the layout last night. It's rough. Trying to figure out some way to make something that's:
  • Homey/Friendly[/*:m]
  • Non-"Generic Community Site"[/*:m]
  • Cool/Nuetral Colors[/*:m]
  • Easy-to-Use[/*:m]
  • Interesting to Look at[/*:m]
  • Non Kin-type Specific[/*:m][/list:u]

    Maybe I'm setting the bar too high? Any suggestions?

Kahoku suggested that I put the question to the community, as it is going to be OUR place to be. So what say you all?

[Image: Xanthus.png]
2008-01-11 18:45
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Post: #2
Re: So, I'm making the website!
Homey/Friendly - Won't that depend on the content and color scheme/layout?
Non-"Generic Community Site" - make it unique and it won't be <!-- sWink --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- sWink -->
Cool/Nuetral Colors - I think a simple background (no pictures of nature, etc.) would be best. That way it won't detract from the content. Perhaps in shades of grey? I think a lot of us here also like black so perhaps that could be the main focus with highlights in shades in blues? (My preferred color scheme is black/silver/blue.)
Easy-to-Use - A simple layout would work best for this. Maybe links to content on one side with news and important stuff in the center?
Interesting to Look at - A background image that's subtle would be good. Maybe something with a simple pattern? How about the night sky? Or you could use the 7 pointed star that is generally accepted as the "Otherkin symbol".
Non Kin-type Specific - If you keep it simple, this shouldn't be a problem.

Let me know if you want help with images.

[Image: YJKCUsm.png]
Banner by me. If you want one too, see here.

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2008-01-11 18:59
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Post: #3
Re: So, I'm making the website!
since we have "darkies" and "lighties" here, i suggest making something in between. shades of gray, with a hue of whatever color (to keep it from looking sad and colorless) might work well. perhaps gradients, so it looks a little softer.

hmmm, that's all i could come up with at the moment.

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2008-01-11 19:06
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Post: #4
Re: So, I'm making the website!
kahoku Wrote:since we have "darkies" and "lighties" here, i suggest making something in between. shades of gray, with a hue of whatever color (to keep it from looking sad and colorless) might work well. perhaps gradients, so it looks a little softer.

The current prototype I"m working on is a combo of nuetral blues and greens. I was thinking of adding a pattern to the backgrounds, some sort of generic inlay thing...not sure if I can pull something like that off and make it look good though.

[Image: Xanthus.png]
2008-01-11 19:12
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Post: #5
Re: So, I'm making the website!
Xanthus Wrote:Homey/Friendly - I find that the content of a site itself (articles, forum, etc.) makes it look homely and friendly! <!-- sTongue --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!-- sTongue --> But I get what you mean, yeah.

Cool/Nuetral Colors - I agree with Elinox; simple backgrounds would really be best. Colours to use could be ... blue/brown (it can look really nice!)/silver/gold? It depends what flatters the site layout most.

Easy to Use - You and Hoku-senpai are the computer experts here, Xanthus-san; but while I was learning HTML I read on the tutorial that search engines hate frames. Personally, I've only used iframes so I don't really know too much about that ^^; I've found that a simple navigation menu leading to everything isn't too confusing.

Non Kin-type Specific - Hmmm ... maybe stick to block colours or neutral patterns as opposed to images, and it should be fine.

Interesting to look at - A nice yet subtle background tile pattern or 'dividers' might work rather nicely.

Thanks to Elinox for the banner!
[Image: momobanner2ok0.png]
Fear the Lishie, Blake and Rizumu.
2008-01-11 19:18
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Post: #6
Re: So, I'm making the website!
If I may put in a slightly off-topic request here?
Perhaps the main site could, eventually, have an IRC chat thingie like OKA did?

"There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."

dunno who said this, but i thought it was cool
2008-01-11 21:36
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Post: #7
Re: So, I'm making the website!
oh, and feel free to post the articles on the website. unless the author explicitly disallows it at the beginning of the post.

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2008-01-11 21:50
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Post: #8
Re: So, I'm making the website!
Dark text on a light background is the most readable.

Be sure to check the color scheme for colorblind accessibility. Also check it with a screen reader...Windows comes with one called Narrator that's accessible by typing "narrator" into the Run box.

A plain color or subtle pattern background is best, although a more busy background would be all right if the text is all in a table/frame with a solid background.

Use a style sheet so that it can be changed easily.

Minimal animation.

A memorable but simple logo would be a good thing.

-dunno who, fuzzy again...

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2008-01-11 22:32
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Post: #9
Re: So, I'm making the website!
I'd like it is there was some background image, one that matched. Maybe something ivy-ish?

I've got a huge folder of background images (tiling ones), so let me know if you want me to show you them.
2008-01-11 23:21
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Post: #10
Re: So, I'm making the website!
Blues and greys are always nice and easy on the eyes, with black text (being objective of course! The subjective side of me wants black with white text and lots of red, heh.)

Have the links lined up on the left of the site, I know that's so very common and generic, but it's easier to navigate. Or have them lined up in smaller letters underneath the banner at the top (sort of like the links on the forums to the FAQ and stuff I guess?)

Can we have an official community Frappr map? <!-- sBig Grin --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- sBig Grin -->
2008-01-11 23:59
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