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Expressions forum
Sedim Haba
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Post: #1
Expressions forum
How come I can see the Expressions subforum when I'm NOT logged in but when I'm logged in it's invisible? (other PC, both use Firefox.)

Oh, FYI, the only subforums NOT visible to guests are Adult and Vampires
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-17 23:25 by Sedim Haba.)
2023-01-17 23:21
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anam fallain
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Post: #2
RE: Expressions forum
Because years ago, the original admin decided it was better to leave the forums open, for people to view even if they weren't members.

I should change it to be private and members-only (accept for the Announcements, Feedback and Guest subforums). *goes to tinker around behind the scenes...*

EDIT: All the subforums, not including Announcements, Feedback and Guest, are now members-only.

If you notice something else amiss, please let me know. Good catch @Sedim Haba!

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"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, The Dresden Files
(This post was last modified: 2023-01-19 0:29 by elinox.)
2023-01-19 0:12
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Sedim Haba
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Post: #3
RE: Expressions forum
Ya, I figured that 'Guest' was the one that should be visible, by it's description.

But, sorry, I still can't see that 'Expressions' sub-forum.

It was between 'Off-Topic' and 'Articles' (or maybe Atrticles' and 'Ads & Links')

I cleared my browser cache but no, it's still not showing up.
2023-01-19 1:18
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anam fallain
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Post: #4
RE: Expressions forum
(2023-01-19 1:18)Sedim Haba Wrote:  But, sorry, I still can't see that 'Expressions' sub-forum.

It seems it was not allowing "registered" users to post there. *shrug*

Hopefully, you're good to go now. ojagO

[Image: YJKCUsm.png]
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"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, The Dresden Files
2023-01-19 2:27
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