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Beige ... my old nemesis
Sedim Haba
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Post: #1
Beige ... my old nemesis
I hate packaging that has white on beige or beige on white lettering.

Reading glasses don't help, it's a contrast issue. Maybe cuz I'm a bit colorblind.
Sometimes brighter light helps, but most times I have to ask for help.

That's why I got Pink Color Name here, I can't see my name. (I guess that's what it's for?)

Now, I was on a brony forum where we could change the color theme.
IDK if it was myBB forum software, I didn't set up or host the forum.

Is that a thing MyBB can do? It'd be really great if it could.
2023-01-31 17:48
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Post: #2
RE: Beige ... my old nemesis
(2023-01-31 17:48)Sedim Haba Wrote:  I hate packaging that has white on beige or beige on white lettering.

Reading glasses don't help, it's a contrast issue. Maybe cuz I'm a bit colorblind.
Sometimes brighter light helps, but most times I have to ask for help.

That's why I got Pink Color Name here, I can't see my name. (I guess that's what it's for?)

Now, I was on a brony forum where we could change the color theme.
IDK if it was myBB forum software, I didn't set up or host the forum.

Is that a thing MyBB can do? It'd be really great if it could.

No clue what MyBB is or anything about Brony forums, but I just thought I'd say I don't see your name as pink? It's still white for me. The points shop says "gives you a pink name for 3 months", I figured that would at least mean other people would see it as pink? Otherwise why is it only for 3 months? Or am I using the wrong browser or something
2023-01-31 19:44
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anam fallain
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Post: #3
RE: Beige ... my old nemesis
Name colors have been used to differentiate between staff and members in the past here. Now, similarly to it's sister-site Therian Guide, OKP allows members to buy a name color if they so choose.

The base colors for staff or members were chosen to try to match the background and not be offensive to (most) eyes. The default is a charcoal grey background, with white for names. Or, for certain people, red for admins, green for mods, orange for newbies/not yet approved members, or the specialty colors members can choose for themselves.

[Image: YJKCUsm.png]
Banner by me. If you want one too, see here.

"You're the best kind of crazy." -Murphy, The Dresden Files
2023-01-31 21:11
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